Łódź/ INTERCOM - Intercultural Communication in the European Context
6th - 8th June 2009
The conference "International Communication in the European Context" aims at presenting and discussing multiple approaches to cross-cultural communication within Europe, or involving European cultures and perspectives. The organizers welcome contributions on a wide range of subjects, such as e.g. sociolinguistic studies on biculturalism and migration, child and adult education of migrants and members of linguistic minorities, the effects of linguistic and cultural differences upon the process of European integration, business communication, new media, as well as the communication aspect of political relations and cultural exchange between the European Union and the United States of America.
We welcome contributions on the role of pragmalinguistic differences and different conventions of speech and text genres in encounters between members of different cultures, as well as on the effects of power relations upon the forms of intercultural discourse. Social change, international political campaigning, linguistic minorities, intercultural pedagogy, advertising, management, corporate internal communication, tourism, youth culture, international diplomacy, internal communication in the institutions of the EU, and public media discourse are all within the range of subjects which we expect to be dealt with at the conference. Contributions from empirical studies, as well as proposals related to the acquisition and teaching of cross-cultural competence are most welcome.
In order to meet these objectives, the organizers also invite contributions from related non-linguistic disciplines such as international relations, business studies and comparative social psychology.
Read more: http://icec2009.wssm.edu.pl/